Episode 14 - The Stage 1 Title Matches, Year of the Dog, and Murloc Island is a Lie

Tue, Feb 20, 2018

Read in 2 minutes

Stage 1 of the league's inaugural season has gone out with a bang! Join us as we talk about our favorite moments from week 5 including the Valiant's upset against the Dynasty, Houston's surprising rise to the title matches, and the London Spitfire's prize-winning endurance.

Episode 14 - The Stage 1 Title Matches, Year of the Dog, and Murloc Island is a Lie

Stage 1 of the league’s inaugural season has gone out with a bang! Join us as we talk about our favorite moments from week 5 including the Valiant’s upset against the Dynasty, Houston’s surprising rise to the title matches, and the London Spitfire’s prize-winning endurance.

We also discuss Nate Nanzer’s teased improvements to Stage 2’s scheduling, Geguri’s new OWL team, Ark and Nus’s emotional display of good sportsmanship, and the deeply upsetting lie that is Murloc Island.

We’re on fire!

This episode was produced by Ashton Herrmann and Eric Saupe, and audio editing was performed by Ashton. You can find us at mekacast.com for show notes, blog posts, or links to our social media channels.

Show Notes



Patch Notes and Balance Changes


Concluding Remarks